I Lost Something In The Hills Or A Painting Of Blue Roses
A Play by Amanda Friedman
Starring: Kayla Guthrie, Terry Hempfling, Alison Kizu-Blair, Shaun Krupa
With Performances by: Mel Elberg, Ryan Lucero and David Riley
With Set and Prop Works by: Phillip Birch, Ariel Dill, Amanda
Friedman, Anne Libby, Ryan Lucero, Annabeth Marks, Sophy Naess, Scott
Roben, Christian Sampson, Gretchen Scherer, Sophie Stone, Daniel
Sullivan, Alina Tenser, Jeffrey Tranchell
Performances: Saturday December 12th & Sunday December 13th
Doors @ 7:00, show @ 8:00
Installed through Sunday December 20th, 2015
Photos by Jenna Westra and Kyle Knodell
Blue Roses Playbill Program:
Blue Roses Dialog, Post-Play: