The Fishbone Diagram: Sturgeon's Law and the 10% Potable
Anne Libby, Anne Kunsemiller, Michael Assiff
December 13th, 2014-January 11th, 2015
Opening reception:
Saturday, December 13th, 2014
For Immediate Release:
The inherent defense of quality in the arts levied by Theodore Sturgeon is that 90% of anything is garbage. In his case, Sturgeon was defending the perceived proliferation of Science Fiction relative to other cultural output in the 1950’s. Differentiated from culture’s advance, approaches to mass production are systematized in attempt to expunge imperfections and defects ostensibly evolving a benchmark for quality. At the center of this pursuit is a diagram, useful for it’s measurement of cause and effect, loosely shaped like the skeleton of a fish.
Situated in U.S. Blues, nestled against the shores of Newtown Creek where TomCod develop mutations to co-habitate with dense industrial flotsam, The Fishbone Diagram: Sturgeon’s Law and the 10% Potable combines the work of Anne Kunsemiller, Anne Libby and Michael Assiff. Each takes an interest in the modern day potential of this technological, industrial experiment, speculating on its value and place in relation to art.

Michael Assiff

Anne Libby

Anne Kunsemiller